Monday, November 23, 2009


So I'm a little behind on posting the happenings in our life.... it's November 23 and I'm just now posting for Halloween. Oh well, better late than never!

We were invited by our friends, The Steffek's, over for trick or treating. They have a great neighborhood for it! They also invited others that have children Emmett and Finley's ages. All total we had five 2/3 year olds and three under the age of 1. It was so much fun! Seriously ;-)

Emmett's costume was very last minute as what I had planned didn't end up working out. A friend loaned us a lion and I have to say he was the absolutely cutes lion I've ever seen. See for yourself in the photos below. Miss Priss (aka Finley) was a strawberry. She was so cute you could eat her, haha.

Emmett did not want to carry his bag so they'd hand him the candy. He thought he needed to open it and consume right at that moment. You can imagine his disappointment when we didn't allow that!

The Lion in action..... "grrrroooowwwlll"

He's a cute lion that hates the camera so I have to snap when I can

Mommy and strawberry

"answer the door, we want candy... please"

Emmett carrying his loot


  1. Your little kids were very very cute on Halloween!!! Loved the costumes! And love the blog! ;)

  2. very fun!
    i'm a bit disappointed too, that you didn't let Emmett open his candy right then....
    wasn't there a dentist on the street that handed out raisins and pennies? i always made sure i skipped that house :)

    love and miss you guys!

