Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day 2009

We had such a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!! Emmett was so much fun and sweet Finley was just along for the ride. The only thing Emmett would say he wanted Santa to bring him were cars and trucks. We decided that he "needed" a John Deere gator... he didn't know how much he needed it until today!

When Emmett woke up we went to his bedroom to intercept before he came downstairs. We started the day by singing the happy birthday song to Jesus. We have really tried to instill the meaning of Christmas into him and will continue to do so through the years. I don't think Emmett truly understood that Santa was coming last night and leaving gifts. We put reindeer food out yesterday evening (sorry Santa but we forgot your cookies). He understood why we did that. So anyway, after we sang I let him know that Santa had been here. He immediately hopped up and said "huuuu, let's go!". We got Finley up because we didn't want her to miss all the action. Emmett ran to the tree and started opening with all the excitement an almost three year old can have! It was so much fun!

Santa came!

his trucks and cars (all he really said he wanted)

he was pretty excited about the kitchen and pots and pans that Mommy and Daddy gave to him and Finley

the play food... Finley had lots of fun with this package

She liked this one!

That face says it all!!!! Notice he already had the dump trailer loaded up. When he saw the tractor in the front yard he said "huuu, tractor!" and started jumping up and down. It was priceless!

with his cousin, Zach

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Emmett's Funny

On a daily basis Emmett says something that just cracks us up. I really want to remember these things so from time to time I may enter posts that are simply "Emmett's funny for the day". Really the whole reason I am blogging is because I want to remember the wonderful little things my kids do on a daily basis, not just the big events that I (generally) have lots of pics of. I realize that you may not always find what Emmett or Finley does/says funny but I hope you will!

Here's my firsts Emmett funny entry....
A couple of weeks ago Emmett came in our room around 5:30 AM. Murray took him back to his bed and laid down with him in hopes he'd go back to sleep. It wasn't working so Murray asked Emmett if he'd rub his back. Emmett sat up in bed, held his hands up and said "I can't I've got germs on my hands". Good one Emmett!!!!! Think I'll try that one next time Murray asked me to rub his back :-)

Monday, November 23, 2009


So I'm a little behind on posting the happenings in our life.... it's November 23 and I'm just now posting for Halloween. Oh well, better late than never!

We were invited by our friends, The Steffek's, over for trick or treating. They have a great neighborhood for it! They also invited others that have children Emmett and Finley's ages. All total we had five 2/3 year olds and three under the age of 1. It was so much fun! Seriously ;-)

Emmett's costume was very last minute as what I had planned didn't end up working out. A friend loaned us a lion and I have to say he was the absolutely cutes lion I've ever seen. See for yourself in the photos below. Miss Priss (aka Finley) was a strawberry. She was so cute you could eat her, haha.

Emmett did not want to carry his bag so they'd hand him the candy. He thought he needed to open it and consume right at that moment. You can imagine his disappointment when we didn't allow that!

The Lion in action..... "grrrroooowwwlll"

He's a cute lion that hates the camera so I have to snap when I can

Mommy and strawberry

"answer the door, we want candy... please"

Emmett carrying his loot

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Let me start by saying I LOVE fall!!! It’s such an exciting time of year…. football, cool weather (if we’re lucky), carnivals and holidays that involve friends and family. What more could you ask for !?!?!?!

We had a fun family day the Saturday before Halloween! We started by driving to Atmore for William Station Day. They have an engine set up that you can tour and see how it works. You can blow the horn and ring the bell too! Of course Murray wanted them to start the engine while he watched what they did (they obliged). Emmett was pretty excited about it but I’m not sure he fully appreciated it, yet.

On the way home we decided to visit the pumkin patch. Emmett had lots of fun moving the pumkins around. He’s such a worked!! Finley just had fun trying to eat the leaves.

Yea for Fall!!!!!!!!!!

Standing on the train

I just LOVE this sweet little girl!

Murray and Emmett listening to the bluegrass music. This was E's idea, he really loved it!

He loved moving the pumkins around!

Daddy & Finley (notice E moving pumkins in the background)

Wish I could get one picture with kids looking at the camera!

What happens when you tell a 2 year old it's time to go

Friday, October 2, 2009

Finley's Baptism

OK, so here I go! I am going to give this blog thing a try (after some persuasion from a dear friend). My main goal is to write down a history for our kids. SO many things happened in our day to day lives that I want to always remember and I want the kids to hear stories about. I figured I could blog to document these things and give our family and friends an opportunity to know what's going with us. SO, here I go!!!!!!!!
On Sunday, September 27 we had Finley baptized at sunset on the beach. It was such an amazing day!! The ceremony was held at the same place Murray and I were married. It's hard for me to put in words how amazing it was. The weather was beautiful and we were surrounded by about 40 to 50 of family and friends that mean so much to us. It really said a lot that that many people took time out of their busy lives to come out on a Sunday evening to support Finley/us for the very special occasion. Murray and I feel SO blessed!
Finley wore a beautiful handmade gown my mother-in-law made 20 years ago. All of her grandchildren have worn it for their baptisms. The pictures do not do the dress justice. A few snapshots are below.

Murray and Emmett getting the water

She's baptized!

Emmett's (impromtu) 1st Communion! He was really hungry and wanted the bread but he did very good "dipping".

Our Family