Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Emmett's Funny

Ok, so last week at school Emmett was "cooking" for his teacher, which he loves to do. He handed her a plastic carrot that she pretended to eat and said "yummy". She was sitting on the floor next to him. He reached his hand out to right under her mouth/chin and said, "you don't like carrots, spit that out"! Funny little boy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A little bit about Finley

I feel like I am writing about Emmett, what he is doing or saying, a lot. SO, I thought it was time to write a "little" post just about Finley.

She is 4 days away from being a year old! I cannot believe it. This year has gone by WAY too fast. Who knew that little girl could bring so much joy to our lives. I am head over heels in love with her! She's such a sweet, laid back and (mostly) patient little girl. She really does go with the flow. She can be a little stinker too :-) When she thinks I'm not looking she throws her sippy cup (that she refuses to drink out of) onto the floor. I watch her watching me just waiting until that moment that I turn my back. Haha! She's smart! She has proven to be different from Emmett in every single way possible. It's fun to be able to raise different personality types, and interesting too.

Finley has lots of loves, here are a few.... her lamb (lovey), bathtime, fruits, scooting around on the floor, Emmett (and her parents too of course).... She's also pretty fond of her thumb but will take a paci too. Recently she'll choose a paci over the thumb. Maybe the thumb will eventually go but I do think it's SO cute for now. She also loves to be cuddled, however she is starting to get a little busy for that.

On Monday Finley took her first steps. She hasn't really taken any since then but she is standing for longer periods of time without holding onto something for support. It'll be fun when she starts to walk but I am certainly going to miss her scoot-scoot. Finley never adopted the traditional crawl. She just scoots herself all over the place and that is just fine with her. She gets where she needs/wants to go!

We have so many little nicknames for her it is ridiculous. I'm really not crazy about any of them so hopefully they won't stick. I call her my scoot-scoot a lot.

All I have to say is HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to my little girl. I love you more than you will ever know!!!!

Watch me as I grow...

2 Days Old

3 months old

(almost) 6 months old

9 months old

11 1/2 months old

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Emmett's Funny

Some reading this may know that Emmett is very modest in the restroom. Pretty much Murray and I can go with him but no one else. Sometimes he even kicks us out. Today Murray was with him in the restroom. He advised Murray that he need to pooh-pooh, then told Murray to get out. Murray responded with "why do I need to get out, Emmett". Emmett's response, "it's going to stink, Daddy". Bahahahahahaha!!!!! I hope this doesn't gross you out but we found it hilarious!